Wow it's 2015! It's finally here. Happy new year!
Did you resolve to take better care of yourself this year? If so, congrats on this intention. This is the first step - setting a goal for yourself. But how do you give yourself a shot at making that goal a reality? For me it's about making something a habit. Incorporating reminders into my day to make sure I'm reminded of the small, daily step I need to form a new positive habit.
For example, five years ago now (wow time does fly!) I was
pregnant with my little girl and I like most pregnant mommas wanted to take a daily prenatal vitamin, along with a couple other supplements my doctors suggested, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. But like so many of us I was also super busy - commuting 30+ minutes to work, crazy busy days with back-to-back meetings and extremely tight deadlines, 10+ hour days, etc., etc. - and my brain was full. The health of my baby-to-be was critical to me but I knew with such a busy day-to-day that if I didn't give myself some kind of daily reminder I would miss more doses than I'd like.
That's why I looked for a weekly
pill box that I could load once a week, place on my
desk at work (after all that's where I spent the vast majority of my time!) or toss in my
purse on my way to a meeting, and always have a daily reminder to take my dose and an easy way to know if I had forgotten. However, the options available were less than desirable - especially when surrounded by super hip fashion colleagues! That's when I knew there was an
opportunity to fill this need for women like myself, and the
Style Rx was born a few short years later.
So give yourself a chance to realize that resolution by identifying that one small step that can help you establish the habit you need to develop. You never know where it may lead! Good luck and happy 2015!