Did you know that more babies are born in August and September than any other months of the year? As a result most of us probably know someone - a sister, a daughter, a neighbor, a friend - who either recently gave birth or is about to in the next few weeks. And no matter how close you may or may not be to that new or expectant mom, it's hard not to be excited for them and share their joy in welcoming an innocent, helpless little being into the world.
Inspired by Dawn has been welcoming, and is set to welcome, some of these beautiful beings in our social circle of late and it got us thinking about what to give those new, veteran and expectant moms. So we've curated a short, but sweet list of gift ideas for this blissful time of year...
Pamper - Gift new or expectant mom a pedicure at her favorite local spa, or better yet offer to rub her feet, paint her toes and listen to her mix of emotions. She'll love you forever!
Nourish - Bring a ready to eat meal, a frozen entree or gift certificate to her favorite take-out restaurant. Make staying healthy as easy as opening the fridge or picking up the phone.
Memory - Help take just a little of the pressure off of the new mom by giving her the tools to remember the big and the little things.
- Gift her a small journal and pen to keep on her nightstand or her nursing nook to jot down all those little firsts about their new bundle and the emotions surrounding them - whenever the occur (3am?)
Part of taking care of herself and her new little one is continuing to take her prenatal vitamins and/or DHA supplements even after giving birth. Help her keep track of whether she took her dose each day a with a stylishly discreet pill box.
More - Looking for more inspiration? Check out Inspired by Dawn's Great Gifts for Moms-to-Be Pinterest board
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