You've waited a long time for this. One of the first legitimate signs of Spring -
Daylight Savings time. It happens this Saturday night in the wee hours. Finally!
But this extra hour daylight on Sunday night comes with one less hour of very needed sleep on Saturday night. So here's some tips on how to minimize the impact of the time change this weekend and help you wake up refreshed on Monday morning. Happy first sign of Spring!
Now through Friday |
- Go to bed earlier than your normal time - even 10 minutes each day can make a difference
Saturday |
Exercise outdoors so you get the sunlight and fresh air your body craves and expend some energy
- Exercise early enough in the day that your body's temp can cool down enough to enable you to sleep
Sunday |
- Get up at your normal time so your body can adjust to the time and light shift
- Go for a morning walk, ideally an hour or longer, again so can give your body a chance to adjust to the sunlight and help reset your body clock
- If all else fails, consider taking melatonin one hour before bed to help you get the rest you need
Monday |
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