Fall is here! It took a couple of days for the weather to catch up with the calendar but last week's low 90s have been replaced with this week's barely 70 degrees. And with the change in season, and many more indoor activities, cold and flu season kicks off in full force. So being the active, healthy and energetic person you are, how do you build your immunity for the fall and winter seasons?
We've waded through the information, to give you 5 easy, immunity-boosting tips to keep the cold and flu to a minimum this year.
- Flu Shot - It's obvious, we know, but still shown to be the best offense in avoiding, or at least lessening, the impact of the flu. And you get them just about anywhere now and most insurance fits the bill for it. So put it on your to-do list and give yourself a shot at a flu-free season!
- Probiotics - Whether you choose to take them as a capsule or tablet daily, or incorporate probiotic foods into your diet (it's easier than you may think), the data seems to support the link between probiotics and immunity. Don't miss your daily dose.
- Exercise - Shorter days and cooler nights can often sap your energy but exercise can often reverse that feeling and have a positive effect on your immune system. So fight that urge to curl up on the couch with a blanket, and go for a walk.
- Sunlight - Our immune systems seem to thrive on Vitamin D and unfortunately we often get too little of it during the shorter days of Fall and Winter. Try to spend 15 minutes per day outside without sunscreen. Perhaps while exercising?
- Sleep - Don't underestimate the power of sleep to keep your immune system operating at its peak. You need rest to recharge and keep colds and flus at bay.
Wishing you a healthy start to Fall and a strong immune system all Fall / Winter season long!
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