On Saturday the calendar flips to Fall. So your summer pool and beach gear is probably already put aside, if not totally put away. And if you've got kids - from preschoolers to college - they are more than likely back to school by now. There's something about Fall and the change of season that often stirs a need to create structure and organization. At least until the holidays hit and throw most homes into chaos.
So along with the changing leaves, if you're feeling the urge to bring some structure and organization to your home this Fall but not sure where to start here's a few tips...
- Identify the Hot Spots - Select a closet or drawer to focus on rather than a whole room. This will allow you to be more focused and make the task more manageable.
- Make a Schedule - Assign yourself one hot spot to tackle each week and schedule a time to tackle it. Again this keeps it manageable and you accountable.
- Come Prepared - Have a bag for garbage, another for paper recyclables and a box or two for give away items and for items to go to other rooms, closets, etc.
- Share your System - Hopefully in this process you've decluttered and set up a better way to organize the items that belong in the space. Communicate your new organization to those in your family that use that space so they too can help maintain the order you've worked to achieve
- Take a Deep Breath - Celebrate the completion of each task and enjoy your newly organized spot. For many of us, an uncluttered space reduces stress. So enjoy - at least until Thanksgiving!
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