April 11, 2018

Mother's Day Gift Idea Inspiration Starts Here

Inspired by Dawn helps you jump start your Mother's Day gift shopping with a gift idea roundup

Mom is never far from your mind. So with Mother's Day a month away, it's not too early to start thinking about just the right Mother's Day gift for her.

To get you started, we've rounded up our best Mother's Day gift ideas to jump start your thinking and help cement your status as Mom's "favorite"!

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April 04, 2018

Is It Time to Make an Appointment for Seasonal Allergy Relief?

Inspired by Dawn shares tips on when to seek a doctor's help with seasonal allergy relief

Despite crazy recent weather you still have faith that Spring will indeed come one of these days. And with Spring comes seasonal allergies for many of us. You've always taken a self-help approach to managing them - not going out in the morning, showering after coming in, keeping windows closed, and maybe even some over the counter medication. But what happens when even these changes don't quite give you the relief you need? 

Is it time to see a doctor for your seasonal allergies? The ACAAI (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology) suggests it might be time to make an appointment if:

  • Your allergies are causing symptoms such as chronic sinus infections, nasal congestion or difficulty breathing.
  • You experience hay fever or other allergy symptoms several months out of the year.
  • Antihistamines and over-the-counter medications do not control your allergy symptoms or create unacceptable side effects, such as drowsiness.
  • Your asthma or allergies are interfering with your ability to carry on day-to-day activities.
  • Your asthma or allergies decrease the quality of your life
  • You are experiencing warning signs of serious asthma such as:
  • You sometimes have to struggle to catch your breath.
  • You often wheeze or cough, especially at night or after exercise.
  • You are frequently short of breath or feel tightness in your chest.
  • You have previously been diagnosed with asthma, and you have frequent asthma attacks even though you are taking asthma medication.

Depending on your number of yeses to the questions above, you might want to consider making an appointment with an allergist. Perhaps seasonal allergy relief could be within reach?

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March 28, 2018

How to Pair Wine with Easter Candy for Maximum Enjoyment: A Must Read!

Inspired by Dawn shares curated wine and Easter candy pairings from Real Simple experts

You take your wine seriously. And who can resist Easter candy? Obviously you're not alone.

Real Simple put together an invaluable guide for parents and grandparents everywhere this weekend - that we just had to share with you!

A curated guide to pairing wines with Easter candy. A simple tool to maximize enjoyment while waiting for the Easter Bunny or unwinding after all the festivities this weekend.

You can thank us later for sharing!

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March 21, 2018

Spring Break Travel? What Not to Pack in Your Checked Bag for a Smoother Trip

Inspired by Dawn offers tips on what to keep with you when traveling and not put in your checked bag

Headed to the airport for a much-needed Spring Break getaway? Then, you're probably trying to decide what to pack and what to leave home right about now. It's always a struggle. Do you really need that extra pair of shoes (or two!)?

Once you know what you want to bring, you have figure out how it's all going to fit, and whether it goes in your carry on or checked bag. Kudos if you can manage to pack everything in your carry on. But if you can't here's a quick list of what you want avoid packing in your checked luggage to help your trip go a little more smoothly.

  • Money, credit cards
  • Photo ID, passport
  • Medications, vitamins
  • Computers, iPads, etc.
  • Valuable jewelry
  • Keys - House, car, etc.

While it's likely that your carry on is already over stuffed, make sure you make room for these items. Then if your luggage takes a detour you won't be without these essentials.

Enjoy your spring getaway!

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March 13, 2018

Inspire the Luck of the Irish with Healthy Start Green Smoothie

Inspired by Dawn's St. Patty's Day Inspiration Smoothie Recipe gives you a healthy start to the day

You're probably going to celebrate St. Patrick's Day at some point on Saturday. Often, with a little green beer, corned beef or other Irish indulgences.

But before the celebrations really kick in, do something good for yourself. Start your day of green with something healthy, nutrient-packed and delicious that you can easily whip up at home in your own kitchen.

St. Patty's Day Inspiration Smoothie

2 Servings
2 Frozen very ripe bananas
1C Berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.)
3C Milk
16oz Greek yogurt
1T Pure vanilla extract
2.5C Spinach or Kale

Blend well and enjoy!

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March 07, 2018

How to Feel Rested & Gain An Hour of Daylight this Weekend

Inspired by Dawn gives tips for getting the rest needed to embrace Daylight Savings Time

You've waited a long time for this. One of the first legitimate signs of Spring - Daylight Savings time. It happens this Saturday night in the wee hours. Finally!

But this extra hour daylight on Sunday night comes with one less hour of very needed sleep on Saturday night. So here's some tips on how to minimize the impact of the time change this weekend and help you wake up refreshed on Monday morning. Happy first sign of Spring!

Now through Friday
  •  Go to bed earlier than your normal time - even 10 minutes each day can make a difference
  • Exercise outdoors so you get the sunlight and fresh air your body craves and expend some energy
  • Exercise early enough in the day that your body's temp can cool down enough to enable you to sleep
  • Get up at your normal time so your body can adjust to the time and light shift
  • Go for a morning walk, ideally an hour or longer, again so can give your body a chance to adjust to the sunlight and help reset your body clock
  • If all else fails, consider taking melatonin one hour before bed to help you get the rest you need

    Want to discover more ways to Live Life Inspired with a focus on style, health and simplicity? Sign up to receive Inspired by Dawn's email newsletter and follow us on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.

    February 28, 2018

    Go Ahead. Take That Spring Break Trip & Improve Your Mood, Creativity & Health

    Inspired by Dawn offers healthy inspiration for taking that Spring Break trip now

    Are you still on the fence about taking a Spring Break getaway? Well then maybe this will convince you. 

    A number of studies have made a very real link between travel and improvements in mind, body and spirit. Health benefits include:

    • Reduced heart attack / heart disease risk
    • Less stress
    • Enhanced creativity
    • Increased happiness & satisfaction
    • Lower risk of depression

    One of the most fascinating points is the heart health link with travel in the NBC article...

    "The study found that women who vacation at least twice a year show a significantly lower risk of suffering a heart attack than those who only travel every six years or so.

    The same is true for men. Men who do not take an annual vacation show a 20 percent higher risk of death and 30 percent greater risk of heart disease."

    Given the benefits, go ahead and give yourself permission to plan that Spring Break getaway now, and give your mood, creativity and your health a much overdue boost. Enjoy!

    Want to discover more ways to Live Life Inspired with a focus on style, health and simplicity? Sign up to receive Inspired by Dawn's email newsletter and follow us on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.

    February 21, 2018

    4 Tips for Taking Antibiotics and Probiotics to Help You Feel Better Fast

    Inspired by Dawn highlights how to maximize antibiotic and probiotic benefits for healing

    You got your flu shot. You washed your hands and didn't touch your face. But somehow you still ended up sick. Ugh. You fill awful...for awhile, and finally drag yourself to the doctor. They prescribe you an antibiotic to tackle that bacterial infection that won't go away. Relief is around the corner, at last.

    But while that antibiotic takes out the bad bacteria, what about all that good, healthy gut flora that you want for ongoing health - to help you get better and stay better? It's no secret that antibiotics can take out a lot of good bacteria in the fight to tackle that infection. So how can you support a more balanced approach? The answer seems to lie in probiotics. Here's a few tips from Healthline about how to maximize the benefits of probiotics while taking antibiotics...

    1. Timing is important - Take your probiotic supplement or eat your probiotic food a few hours before or after you antibiotic dose to maximize the benefit of both.
    2. Offset antibiotic side effects - Eating fermented foods can help restore damage to the gut bacteria caused by antibiotics. Yogurt also seems to reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal issues in many people.
    3. Hold off on fiber - High-fiber foods can help the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut but it's best to wait until your antibiotics course is over to help ensure optimal absorption of the antibiotic.
    4. Avoid citrus and calcium-fortified foods - While taking antibiotics, avoid grapefruit and calcium-fortified foods which seem to negatively affect antibiotics absorption.

    Want to see more ways to Live Life Inspired with a focus on style, health and simplicity? Sign up to receive Inspired by Dawn's email newsletter and follow us on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.

    February 14, 2018

    3-Day Weekend? How to Maximize Your 72 Hours & Feel Rejuvenated!

     Inspired by Dawn shares ideas on maximizing your 3-day weekend for rejuvenation

    Are you one of the lucky ones who gets a 3-day weekend this weekend? If so, you are indeed blessed. There's few things enjoyed as much as an extra day added to a weekend.

    So if you've got one ahead of you this weekend, here a few ideas on how to maximize your 72 hours of weekend...

    • Plan a getaway but don't go too far - Try to make your destination within two hours travel time so you can start your mini-vacation as soon as possible
    • Focus on something you've been wanting to do - Take the time to research and plan your real 7+ day vacation or to work on a hobby that you love but never have enough time for
    • Plan one indulgence - Book a spa appointment, enjoy brunch with friends, do something that you normally don't have time for on a regular weekend
    • Give yourself permission to do nothing - If you've been burning the candle at both ends, don't book anything. Plan for a weekend of binge-watching, reading and take-out

    However you choose to spend your weekend, have a great one!

    Want to see more ways to Live Life Inspired with a focus on style, health and simplicity? Sign up to receive Inspired by Dawn's email newsletter and follow us on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.

    February 08, 2018

    Did the Holidays Bring a Newly Pregnant Friend? Gift Her Health & Style

    Style Rx designer pill box case is the perfect gift to celebrate your newly pregnant friend

    Did someone close to you announce their pregnancy around the holidays a few weeks ago? If so, celebrate her expected bundle of joy with a gift that helps her stay healthy, and maintain her sense of style - through all nine months!

    The Style Rx designer pill box case will keep your expectant friend on track with her prenatal vitamins, DHA and other supplements recommended by her ob/gyn. And she can keep them all organized in a portable, stylishly discreet case she can take anywhere. Plus, you can cement your role as Most Thoughtful Friend!

    Style Rx designer pill box case is perfect for making a probiotic a healthy daily habit
    Want to see more ways to Live Life Inspired with a focus on style, health and simplicity? Sign up to receive Inspired by Dawn's email newsletter and follow us on FacebookPinterest and Twitter.